Kids for coloring

Kids for coloring

Today we’re not offering animals to color in, but children!So children can color in children :)Have fun with it. Screenshot and download kid #1 Kid#1 BoyDownload Screenshot and download kid #2 Kid #2 GirlDownload Screenshot and download boy and girl (#3)...
Eagle coloring page

Eagle coloring page

Eagles are some of the most amazing birds on the planet. They’re big, strong, and have incredible eyesight. They can soar through the air for hours on end, and they’re skilled hunters. Here are some fun facts about eagles for kids: Eagles can see up to 8...
Chameleon for colouring

Chameleon for colouring

The chameleon is definitely one of the most interesting animals – it can adapt its colour to its surroundings! So you can colour it in any shade you like. There are over 200 species of chameleons! The chameleon belongs to the genus of pangolins. Unfortunately,...
Cats Coloring Page

Cats Coloring Page

In this article, I offer free pictures of a cat to color it. But before we download the cat coloring page, here are a few details about this animal: A cat is usually referred to as a predatory cat, such as tigers, cheetahs, lions, but also cheetahs. However, today we...
Parrots for coloring

Parrots for coloring

A parrot or macaw I provide you today for coloring. But before download some information about this bird species: Parrots belong to the Psittaciformes (parrot birds). Furthermore, parrots are divided into two families, namely cockatoos and normal parrots. Cockatoos...
Dog pictures for coloring

Dog pictures for coloring

The domestic dog has been our pet for over 15,000 years. Yet he belongs to the group of wolves and is therefore actually a predator! But do not worry – our domestic dogs are domesticated and used to dealing with people. Except for a few exceptions, as you...